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ancient regime ancient regime = ancien régi...


England ' s opium trade and the cannon from in the ignorant condition which passed on from generation to generation awaken the chinese , cause they to produce the revolutionary struggle enthusiasm ; it will break the condition which china will close the borders and practice isolationism , will cause china to realize with the outside world relation , thus will promote chinese ancient regime demise ; china ' s social development in the process which will affect mutually is realizing with the western country social development 英國的鴉片貿易和大炮將中國人從世代相傳的愚昧狀態中喚醒,使他們產生了革命斗爭的熱情;它將打破中國閉關自守的狀態,使中國實現同外部世界的聯系,從而促進中國舊制度的滅亡;中國的社會發展在同西方國家的社會發展的相互作用過程中實現。